Our services
- the implementation of the obligations of packaging producers within the meaning of the act on waste
- registration in the Register of Packaging Producers
- maintaining records of packaging placed on the market
- fulfilling recycling and recovery limits
- the preparation and submission of annual reports on the implementation of the limits for recycling and recovery
- training of producers in the area of packaging register
- fulfillment of obligations for producers of
non-packaging products
- registration in the Register of Non-packaging Producers
- maintaining a record of non-packaging products placed on the market
- fulfilling obligations for the collection and recovery of non-packaging products
- consultation in the area of waste records
- the fulfillment of obligations in the field of tires
- registration in the Register of Tire Producers
- maintaining a record of tires
- ensuring the free collection of waste tires from distributors and handing them over for recycling
- fulfilling the obligations of electrical equipment
- registration in the Register of Electrical Equipment Producers
- maintaining a record of electrical equipment placed on the market
- fulfilling limits on the collection and recovery waste electrical equipment
- the preparation and submission of the annual report on the recovery of electrical equipment waste
- the training of clients in the area of recording electrical equipment
- mediation in the area of waste management
- expert consulting in the field of waste prevention